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Packing Detail

We are one of the leading exporter for full range of digital tiles and normal tiles, Digital Ceramic Wall Tiles, ceramic wall tiles manufacturers in Morbi, ceramic tiles manufacturers in Morbi.

Digital Ceramic Wall Tiles

Size (mm) Thickness
Pcs in box Weight/Box(kg)
Sq.ft/Box Sq.m/Box Box in
Pallet in
Boxes in
Sq.m in
Total Weight
in Container
200X300 5.5 16 9.2 10.33 0.96 120 24 2880 2764.8 28080
250X375 7.5 8 9 8 0.75
118 18 2124 1593 19116
156 6 936 702 8424
Total 24 3060 2295 27540
300X300 8 9 11 8.71 0.81 108 23 2484 2012 27324
300X450 8 6 11.1 8.71 0.81 108 23 2484 2012 27572
300X600 9.1 5 14 9.68 0.9 90 22 1980 1782 27700
250X750 9.2 5 15.3 10.09 0.9375 88 20 1760 1650 26928

Ceramic Vitrified Tiles

Size (mm) Thickness (Approx) Pcs in box Weight/Box (kg)(Approx) Sq.ft/Box Sq.m/Box Box in Pallet Pallet in Container Boxes in Container Sq.m in Container Total Weight in Container
600X600 GVT/PVT 9 4 28 15.5 1.44 40 24 960 1382 26880
600X1200 GVT/PGVT 11 2 32 15.5 1.44
60 12 720 1036.8 23040
30 4 120 172.8 3840
Total 16 840 1209.6 26880
600X600 Porcelain 9 4 28 15.5 1.44 40 24 960 1382 26880